Be a Boy Scout and plan to use LinkedIn to generate buyer personas for whom might buy from you

Be a Boy Scout & Develop “God Proof” Buyer Personas Utilizing LinkedIn

Does the “Be Prepared” Boy Scout motto clash with the marketing convention of buyer personas?

Buyer personas are composite sketches of whom might saddle up and ring the cash register when it comes to your company’s products or service.

How could a sweet, innocent Boy Scout run afoul of the machination of evil marketers developing buyer personas in an effort to concoct a dastardly content marketing strategy to take over the world?

You can be the reason this post gets the attention it deserves. So, if this stuff is helpful, please click the “Click to Tweet” button below.

How could a sweet, innocent Boy Scout run afoul of the machination of evil marketers developing buyer personas in an effort to concoct a dastardly content marketing strategy to take over the world? Click To Tweet

Regarding our poor Boy Scout, consider the Yiddish proverb that states, “We plan, God laughs.”

We can all relate. You plan for a day at the beach. Pack the sunscreen. Make the sandwiches. Get there early to snag a parking spot only to have it start raining once you unpack the beach towels.

This post aims to save the noble Boy Scout and his plans.

We strive to give you a strategy to develop buyer personas by utilizing the largest business database in the world to develop an audience with data, not guesswork or “hunches.”

Our “plan” is not foolproof but will hopefully stand up to the Great Mystery who may be indifferent to human artifice and foibles.


Via Giphy

Why Do I Need Buyer Personas?

Most startups and young businesses fail because their product or service doesn’t align with the marketplace. In other words, they didn’t adequately research if there was demand for their product or service before diving into creating the product and hawking it.

By generating buyer personas, you research who might buy from you and know the problems they encounter and that you can solve with your product or service.

So I Plan & People Buy, Right?


Adam Smith would approve of your intent to map buyer personas to ratchet up sales.

But how do you do it? What is the plan, Stan?

Let’s dive in with some actionable, step-by-step instruction. We start with the great marketer Herman Cain’s 5 x 5 x 5 Method.

Herman Cain's 5x5x5 method is sound for developing buyer personas

Ask yourself what are 5 questions that 5 buyer persona are asking at 5 separate stages of a marketing funnel?

A marketing funnel is the journey the buyer takes from becoming aware of your product or service all the way to the narrow bottom section where they commit to buying from you.

Via Giphy

The 5 stages of a funnel are:

  1. Awareness
  2. Interest
  3. Evaluation
  4. Engagement
  5. Commitment/Purchase

So the 5 x 5 x 5 Method yields 125 total questions or subjects for content that you can produce to transform prospects into buyers.

My tweak to Herman Cain’s 5x5x5 Method (there is no doubt that the former presidential candidate and fast food Godfather created this strategy) is to amend questions with “pain points.”

Ask yourself what are the 5 problems your various buyers face from becoming aware of your product to actually buying it?

If you are introducing a product or service, you want to be a problem solver and address the issues that your target audience may have.

How to Develop a Buyer Persona

Enough with pizza politicians and instruments to imbibe fermented hops. How do you do specifically develop buyer personas?

There are ample online tools to assist you. For example, HubSpot has a buyer persona generator.

You input data and create distinct personas who may be interested in your product.

Use online tools like HubSpot's Buyer Personas Generator to chart your potential cusotmers

Via CWT & HubSpot


As you can see from above, HubSpot’s tool presupposes that you KNOW metrics like buyer titles and the geographic areas where they may reside.

If you’re launching your business or changing focus, you may not know these answers besides speculation.

Is there a way to determine buyer personas with actual data instead of hunches and guesswork?

Use the Power of LinkedIn to Generate a Target Audience

LinkedIn, specifically Sales Navigator, can give you a better understanding of your potential audience.

Sales Navigator is premium LinkedIn that allows you to increased search capabilities for a sales team to hone in who might be interested in their product or service.

We are asking for the “sale,” even if this content is free. If you find this information useful, tap the “Click to Tweet” button below.

Sales Navigator is premium LinkedIn that allows you to increased search capabilities for a sales team to hone in who might be interested in their product or service. Click To Tweet

Utilizing Sales Navigator Recommended Leads

If you have Sales Navigator, first click on the Sales Nav icon at the top right of your LinkedIn account. If you don’t have Sales Nav, stick with me. I promise to make it up to you at the end of this post.

Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator to develop buyer personas


Sales Navigator will open in another tab. The algorithm tracks your interactions on this platform and who is engaging with you. You can utilize the algo, specifically Recommended Leads, to see who might be an ideal audience.

In Sales Nav, click on “See all” under Recommended leads” in the top right portion of your screen:

LinkedIn algorithm can show you ideal buyer personas based on who you have interacted with on the platform


This opens up 200 prospects “based on LinkedIn activity.” How do you exploit this list?

Simply scroll through the search results and look for prospects that look promising. At this point, let intuition guide you.

I scroll through my Recommended leads and see one prospect, Casey, who is co-Founder of Couchsurfing International.

Someone who helms an organization dedicated to couchsurfing is an ideal prospect for Content with Teeth. I click on the prospect’s name to view his Sales Nav profile more closely.

You can find ideal customer personas with LinkedIn Sales Navigator


I examine the profile closely for cues like title and geography. Casey is/has been a Co-Founder, CEO and Founder. He is in the Bay Area. Under highlights, I can see that he is a second-degree connection. In other words, he knows people I am connected to. In this case, I look under Highlights and see we are both connected to nine mutuals.

If I wanted to connect with Casey, I could mention one of these people or ask them to introduce Casey to me.

It’s helpful to look up the target directly on LinkedIn to see other data.

Click on the three horizontal dots at the top right of the screen.

From Sales Navigator, view a potential prospect on LinkedIn to learn more metrics that can help develop buyer personas


Select “View on” in the dropdown and the prospect’s profile will open up in another tab.

From here, I can see Casey’s full experience.

Viewing the LinkedIn company page can give you further information to develop buyer personas

I right click on Casey’s company “Couchsurfing International” and select “Open link in new tab” where I see company details such as industry and employee headcount under the About tab.

A LinkedIn company page offers useful info to develop buyer personas like industry and company headcount


I know Couchsurfing International has under 100 employees and is an Internet company. More importantly, I see that the organization is funded. Regarding “Company size,” this is self-reported by whoever created the LinkedIn company page initially.

Know that these numbers are not iron-clad and based on hard data. Despite this, from snooping around LinkedIn and Sales Navigator, I have  a greater idea who LinkedIn’s algo thinks is a good match for me.

I don’t stop with just employee headcount and industry. I scroll to the bottom of Casey’s LinkedIn profile to view his Interests.

View a potential prospect's Interest like LinkedIn groups that they belong to in order to develop metrics that go into generating buyer personas


I click on the See All button and view Influencer and Companies that Casey follows. I am particularly interested in Group that he belongs to. I click this tab.

Utilize LinkedIn Groups to develop buyer personas


LinkedIn Groups are a key resource. I could join one of these and meet other prospects similar to Casey. As a group member, I have the ability to message other members without being directly connected to them as a first-degree or existing connection.

We will discuss utilizing LinkedIn groups to develop a content marketing strategy in a future post. Stay tuned!

Rinse & Repeat

I click back to my Sales Nav search and “rinse and repeat” this process with other promising targets. From just the first page alone, I see that 13 of the 25 prospects that Sales Nav recommends are in San Francisco. I look up other suggested leads and see what LinkedIn Groups they belong to and whether any overlap with Casey’s.

From a rudimentary glance at just the first page of results, I see that I might want to target Silicon Valley. Even though my company is based in Southwest Florida, my reach isn’t geo-limited to Florida or the Southeast United States. As a creative content agency, I can do business anywhere and might want to focus on Internet companies, primarily in San Francisco and the Bay Area.

From viewing LinkedIn recommended leads, I have a greater idea of what titles in what industry and company size to target in what geographic area. If I play around with this, I will have greater idea what to fill in the HubSpot Buyer Persona generator to generate my potential customer audience.

Utilize Existing LinkedIn Connections to Further Research Ideal Buyer Personas

You don’t have to go just by LinkedIn’s recommended leads. You can use the advanced filtering in Sales Navigator to see who looks promising in your existing or first-degree connections.

In the Sales Navigator home screen, click the Lead filters + bubble. 


In the next screen, filter your search by selecting “1st Degree Connections” in the “Relationship” box.

Search first-degree or existing connections in Sales Navigator in order to develop ideal buyer personas


This will bring up your existing connections. This brings up 5k prospects. I use the filter to make the list more manageable. Under “Industry,” I type in “Internet” based on what I saw above from Casey and LinkedIn’s other suggested leads.

In building buyer personas, you can use Sales Navigator filters like industry to expand or subtract a list of potential prospects.


Now I have a smaller audience of people I am ALREADY connected with where I can scroll through the search and examine shared parameters like I did above.

Utilize Sales Navigator Account Filters to Further Shape Ideal Buyer Personas

You might be starting out and not have a big network. You can research new blood in Sales Navigator, and more importantly, focus on companies that are in high growth mode.

In the Sales Navigator home screen, I click on the “Account filters +” bubble.

Use Sales Navigator Account filters to develop buyer personas


This brings up Account filters.

I want to focus on smaller companies that are in high-growth mode with a growing employee count and surging revenue.

First, I select a revenue range of $1-10 million.

To develop buyer personas, use account filters like Revenue to get a better idea who might buy from you


Next, I select a “Company headcount growth” between 5-40%.

To develop buyer personas, use Account filters like Company headcount growth to find companies who might buy from you AND are growing


This brings up nearly half a million companies, so I use the Company headcount and Geography filters to restrict my list. I search for Bay Area companies, Oakland specifically, that have between 11-50 employees.

This give me a list of 249 companies, something more targeted and manageable to work with.

I scroll and see Opera Event, an organization of social media content creators.

To develop buyer personas, use Accounts filtering in Sales Navigator to learn info on companies who might buy from you


I have been successful getting work by partnering with other marketing companies, so I decide to investigate further. I click on “View All Employees”. I find the CEO, Brandon. I view his profile in LinkedIn.

You can piece together who might buy from you or buyer personas from investigating LinkedIn and Sales Navigator



From reading his About section, I find a potential buyer persona – CEOs and Founders in high-growth startups in the tech sector.




I examine the Opera Event LinkedIn company page. I go to the Insights tab where I see the startup is in high growth mode – 44% in 2 years.

Use LinkedIn to research buyer personas from companies who are in high growth mode


10 Minutes & I Know More About Whom Might Buy From Me

In just 10 minutes playing with Sales Navigator, I have a better idea of parameters like title, geography, industry and other factors to plug into HubSpot’s buyer personas generator to develop my audience.

A 10 minute investment on LinkedIn makes you a bulletproof Boy Scout who can yield buyer personas despite a wrathful God.

We dare you to share! If you like this content and want to support us, please tap the “Click to Tweet” button below to share on Twitter.

A 10 minute investment on LinkedIn makes you a bulletproof Boy Scout who can yield buyer personas despite a wrathful God. Click To Tweet

But … BUT!

Via Giphy

I hear your cries of protestation! You don’t have Sales Navigator. I feel you. It ain’t cheap at $80/month if you pay monthly. You can sign up for Sales Navigator inside LinkedIn and get one free month.

I have a better deal where I can get you TWO months free of LinkedIn Sales Navigator. Two months free will give you enough time to try out Sales Nav to not only build your buyer personas but also do active lead generation and engage potential prospects. You can then decide whether you want to pay for it.

If you would like to hit me up for two months free of Sales Navigator, let’s chat.

Content creation is a creative team that is "different," but not ear-severing different!!

What Is Content Creation? 

Content creation is the assembly line of written and/or visual media to disseminate a message about a brand to generate interest among a target audience. 

Content creation is usually produced by a company’s in-house marketing team or outsourced to an agency that works on a retainer or per-project basis. Your content should appeal to your buyer persona, making information accessible to your audience through blog posts, e-books, videos or social media posts.  

Content Creation vs. Content Curation

Content curation is the act of searching for, gathering, and presenting digital content for a specific subject matter. Unlike content creation, content curation does not include original content but rather assembles different content from a variety of sources. 

Let’s look at one of the fastest growing companies in the last decade, Netflix. Initially, they were content curators boasting a wide lineup of TV shows and movies from other studios.

In 2013, Netflix became content creators producing their own TV series House of Cards. Netflix now owns household staples such as Stranger Things, Big Mouth, and Black Mirror, proving that content creation is valuable as this investor details:

Doing a comparable comps valuation to other publicly traded movie and entertainment companies reveal that Netflix has a P/S multiple that is valued more than 3 times more than the valuation of traditional media companies

It may be better to own than rent, but content doesn’t create itself. Content creation teams must be creative AND analytical, understanding the importance of impactful raw data such as keyword research and SEO. 

Myth Of The Crazy Artist


You want a content creation team that is a little crazy just as long as the Account Rep doesn’t remove an ear in front of the client.

Original content requires the cliqued corporate maxim of thinking “outside the box.” When you hire a content creator, you’re probably thinking “how do I generate awareness for my product or service” rather than “how do I get this guy to paint the sunflowers instead of downing the absinthe?”

Whatever the goal, people creating things have hatched a “crazy artist” myth that stretches back infamously to Van Gogh infamously, if not earlier. When hiring a content creation team, a little crazy is good but they need to be blessed with a numbers-based approach 

In other words, to create unique online content that people can actually find, you need to be creative AND analytical.

For one of our clients, LeBlond Ltd, a Cincinnati-based manufacturing firm, CWT has blogged for them for nearly ten years and the numbers show the content consistently performs.

Numbers Never Lie


For a 30-day period (May 31 – June 29, 2021), the blog content created by CWT has ranked in 6 of the top 10 most visited pages on our client’s site.


The content creation of CWT produces short-term results.


The blog content has a high average duration (2.07 minutes). Average session duration illustrates how long users stay on your site. It’s a useful metric for indicating engagement and the true value of your site’s content as time is a human’s most valuable resource (time is money, amiright?)

Although 2-3 minutes seems like a blur in the day, this is a solid session duration for most sites. Two minutes is enough time for users to read content and interact with your website. 

The blog posts also average a lower bounce rate (45.34%) than the other pages in the Top 10 traffic list. What exactly does this mean?


“One and Done” Isn’t Just Five-Star Basketball Recruits


Have you ever gone to a movie that was so awful you walked out mid-movie? A “bounce” (often called a single-page session) is essentially the same. It’s when a “one-and-done” user lands on a site and exits without interacting or triggering another request. Bounce rate is a metric used to track single-page sessions. Research shows any bounce rate under 50% is considered to be really solid. 

Finally, blog content creates leads. One example is this piece that is eight years old and is evergreen content with over 30 comments, mostly from machinists wanting parts. Those are leads solely from comments left on the post!


Are You Linsanity or Can You Score Over 40 Consistently?


The content that CWT creates produces longer-term results


Some might say a 30-day period is a small sample size, however, in Quarters 1 and 2 of 2021, 4 of the top 10 pages with the most traffic for LeBlond are blog posts that CWT produced. This is a 6-month period in which nearly half the top 10 pages are from blog content. 

The numbers don’t lie. Our blogs produce more traffic and yield high results on a consistent basis. 

The blog posts have a higher average duration (2.19 minutes) with a lower average bounce rate (60.24%) than the other high-traffic pages. In other words, prospects are viewing these pages longer and checking out other content on the site than the other non-blog pages.

Finding The Right Production Crew


Via Newsweek


We mentioned Netflix earlier. In hiring content creators, you want a team that can take the process from inception to completion or in film/tv talk, from  pre-production to post-production.

Pre-Production in Film/TV: writing the script and budgeting

Production: filming

Post-Production: editing and scoring

We can use the same process used to produce stuff you consume on a screen and apply it to your content creation process.


Pre-Production Analysis & Content Development



Content Creation has an initial strategy stage where keyword research is conducted.



At Content With Teeth, we start with pre-production. This is where we do some in-depth brainstorming to help create a content strategy. Some ideas will be stronger when presented as visual content (videos, infographics, etc.) while other pieces may be suited for text. Either way, we’ll work collaboratively to deliver you amazing content

We don’t stop there. After devising your content, we help distribute it. If you’re B2B, we might recommend a LinkedIn marketing campaign to disseminate your content on the world’s largest business database. We might use other social media platforms to promote the content like Instagram or Twitter.


Record the Score to Analytics in Post


In evaluating effective content creation, CWT uses sales and marketing platforms like HubSpot.

Via CWT, Premium Beat & HubSpot


Now, this is where the analytics come into play. Most content creators will throw some copy your way and call it a night. We go past production to post-production and help measure important analytics and metrics to see what’s working.

We’re an official HubSpot partner and have the means to ensure your content reaches the right audiences, achieves your business goals, and generates organic traffic. We use analytical tools like HubSpot Analytics, Google Analytics, and MonsterInsights to do this. 

With our model, we not only PRODUCE the content but DISTRIBUTE it (LinkedIn marketing, HubSpot email campaigns, social media, etc) and MEASURE it in “post-production” to inform you what is working and what is not.

Lust For Life AND Numbers

One who excels at content creation melds creativity with analytical thinking.

Via Anna Kester from Pexels, PNGEgg & CWT

A good content creation team should have a “lust for life” and a “lust for numbers.” A good mix of Left + Right brain stuff. Mixing the creativity of an “outside-the-box” creator like Van Gogh with the analytical skills of a number-crunching savant is the key to optimizing your content creation process and producing high-quality content. Reach out to us if you need a content creator excelling in both brain swim lanes. 

is creative content worth it?

Is Creative Content Worth It?

Table of Contents


  1. Get a Digital Tool to Help Your Creativity
  2. 10 Benefits of Creative Content for Your Company
  3. Creative Content: Why Does My Company Need It?
  4. Original Content Creation is Key
  5. Dope Content Formats in 2023
  6. Creative Content Helps ROI
  7. Creative Content Marketing
  8. Content Marketing vs. Creative Content
  9. It’s All About Value, Baby!
  10. Types of Creative Content
  11. How to Promote Your Creative Stuff
  12. Spice Up Your Content Today


Your boss’ name is Ed.

Ed hates dinosaurs because his Charmin-soft kid was emotionally scarred after a too-early viewing of Jurassic World.

Creative Dino


If you don’t read this whole post on creative content, we will force you to go to your next employee review with Ed while wearing a dino head and taking selfies.

Why You Should Care…

Ed is asking you to outsource content. You are stuck between the bottom-dollar copywriter with the WhatsApp number flashing on Facebook (inexpensive) versus the woman with an MFA in creative writing (expensive). We aim to show you why it’s vale la peña to go with the MFA writer and select a choice of steak over flavorless ground round.


Get a Digital Tool to Help Your Creativity

Hundreds of posts, emails, and articles are published every second — does your content have what it takes to get noticed?

You need to know how to sell your brand as an experience rather than just a two-dimensional logo attached to your product.

A pleasant content experience fostered by a creative approach will help create strong first impressions and keep your product or service in the minds of your potential customers.

If you want more creativity in your content, your dinosaur-hating boss Ed recommends a helpful tool like a swipe file where you can scan images and copy that inspires you and gets the ideas bubbling.


10 Benefits of Creative Content for Your Company

If you are still doubting the power of creative content, here are ten eye-popping benefits:

  1. Organic search authority and visibility
  2. Increase referral traffic
  3. More social engagement
  4. Target customers during the customer journey
  5. Increase conversion rates
  6. Multi-format
  7. Evergreen (constant exposure)
  8. Original research data
  9. Long-term cost savings
  10. Unique brand voice

Move product with a bright, creative approach to content


Creative Content: Why Does My Company Need It?

You’ll benefit from having enriched multimedia content your brand could use to form a solid online presence. Below, we highlight several examples and why it’s essential to your company’s success.

You’ve probably heard the phrase: “content is king.”

But why?


Original Content Creation is Key

The days of using rewashed ads in a local newspaper are in the past.

Consumers are online, and marketing has gone digital. This is why content creation is CRUCIAL for your company.

According to Red Crow Marketing, Americans are exposed to over 4,000 ads a day!

With such abundant delivery, sticking out from the crowd is essential. This means posting consistently and supplementing your organic efforts (a.k.a. non-paid) with digital campaigns to reach a higher exposure.

Search engines and social platforms algorithms seem to have a mind of their own, learning and ranking differently daily. It sounds almost like a script for the next Terminator movie that your boss Ed’s damaged kid won’t like either!

"I'll be back" with inspired creative on landing pages and other marketing efforts

Dope Content Formats in 2023

The advertising industry is ever-changing, so keeping up with the latest trends can help you stay ahead.

With the rise of social media, marketing managers at small and large companies now have equal opportunities to reach potential consumers online.

We have to find new, exciting ways to catch people’s attention. Still, we recommend always providing value and focusing on being helpful (your boss, Ed, is demanding results after your dino-mask-and-selfies stunt.).

How people interact with brands and make purchases has changed, so it’s only natural that how we promote our company changes too.

Here are three formats of inspiring content for people in 2023!


Video Content

Videos have proven to be a successful form of creative marketing for any business.

It’s a format most people can enjoy because it allows them to learn about your brand, product or service quickly and excitingly.

Blending sound with visuals creates a fun experience that helps consumers understand the problem you’re trying to solve with your business.

One main advantage of videos is that they allow users to watch them while navigating your website or social media page.

You don’t need to pay as much attention to videos as you do when reading an article, making them an easy-to-share experience.


Creative videos

Interactive content

Another growing trend is anything from polls and questionnaires to interactive eBooks. Plus, this type of content engages people with your website and gathers insights into your target audience.


Artificial intelligence (AI)

AI plays a vital role in the latest marketing trends.

Computers can use natural language processing to determine what real people are typing and generate proper responses.

This format can create personalized conversational experiences that engage people and help them with specific problems.

AI also lets your team know more about the types of users viewing your content, helping you develop new creative ideas to meet customers’ preferences.


Artificial Intelligence can boost your brand image

Creative Content Helps ROI

Return on investment (ROI) is a business investment’s financial benefit; it’s excellent in helping business owners and marketing people measure their effectiveness in generating revenue.

It’s essential to set goals to ensure it’s worth it; it’s usually represented by a ratio or percentage and is found by dividing the net gain earned from the total cost.

Creative marketing will bring assets like the email address of a valuable prospect


Creative Content Marketing

Companies that focus more on the quality of their content begin to yield better results. However, no single strategy will help you improve your returns.

Instead, you need to view each part of your content marketing as parts of an interconnected machine.

Each part must be able to pull its weight for the whole strategy and decision-making to work.

An analysis by HubSpot found the impact of content strategy in today’s workplace, with 70% of marketing managers actively investing in content marketing.

A creative piece of content brings love

Your cranky boss Ed is making an ultimatum. Get creative or get out. Get our free swipe file, a digital tool that will help!


Content Marketing vs. Creative Content

These two are different, but they’re like brother and sister.

Content marketing is a strategy that takes your target audience as the primary source of inspiration to produce content that adds value to your buyer’s context — following the inbound principle of attracting, converting and delighting your potential customer.

Creative content is how you format specific content to generate emotions, raise awareness or persuade your audience.

Check out our other blog on creating innovative videos that will skyrocket your engagements.


It’s All About Value, Baby!

Include a strategy to craft content that provides value to your niche.

Plan and determine how your content matches your target audience’s needs with their buying journey.

We’ve crafted a complete guide to content marketing on one of our blog posts. Please click here to read the full article.

The definition of B2B marketing, chart.


Types of Creative Content

Remember that creativity doesn’t mean you have to force your boss Ed’s traumatized kid, to watch The Exorcist from start to finish. You must use all the possible formats in your arsenal and create something original that matches your brand’s voice.

These are some of the most common ones you could try out and use to your advantage:

  1. Blogging – update your audience regularly and rank higher on search engines.
  2. Case studies – they provide solid social proof that validates your brand’s credibility.
  3. eBooks and guides – high value to users and powerful lead generators.
  4. Social media posts – give your community an inside look at your brand.
  5. User-generated – it raises your brand credibility, and you can leverage the power of fans.
  6. Newsletter – stay in contact with your prospects and build relationships.
  7. Research and data – great for driving traffic to your site and making your brand trustworthy.
  8. Webinars – a high lead-generating tool that helps boost brand awareness.
  9. Podcasts – expand your online reach and showcase your expertise.
  10. Interactive content and tools – reduce your site’s bounce rate by allowing potential buyers to answer polls, quizzes, surveys, and more.



How to Promote Your Creative Stuff

You can rely on digital strategies like SEO and social media.

SEO and Its Power

Along with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) practices and traditional marketing methods, one of the best ways to shape an immersive experience around your brand is by using creative content.

SEO is the best way to help your website to gain exposure and become available at the top of Google search results or any other search engine.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Chart

What is SEO?

It’s a technique that uses keywords to match the user’s search intent and display it on the result search page according to a few variables: the quality of your content, backlinks, credibility, and so much more.

We’ll discuss SEO in a later blog post and determine its power to spread your message like wildfire to your target audience. However, you can learn more about SEO in this article; click here.

seo, google, search

Utilizing Social Media Platforms to Distribute Content

Types of Social

New platforms are already on the work, and some have gained popularity over the years, like TikTok. The bottom line is that you need to be creative, speak in your brand’s unique voice, and not be afraid to explore.

If you have a plan and understand your consumers perfectly, you’ll certainly increase your social presence and grow your audience. Here are six more tips for using social media to your advantage:

  • Focus on customer service
  • Promote your accounts
  • Pay attention to trends
  • Focus on eye-catching visuals
  • Engage with your audience, don’t just post
  • Set SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely.)
  • Be human (sometimes a face is better than using stock images.)
  • Create an editorial calendar
  • Automate your process


Original Social = More Clicks

Social media demands consistency and adaptability. It’s difficult to become famous overnight, but remember that originality can drive traffic to your website or other digital platforms.

Research your buyers and give them what they’re looking for; you have a lot of knowledge about your industry.

So, you could share plenty of information to help them understand how your products and services are the best options to solve their challenges.


Spice Up Your Content Today

Although content creation is critical to growing your brand, most business owners don’t have the time or energy to sit back and think all day creatively.

Content With Teeth is the expert who can help you spice up your content by delivering your message creatively and persuasively.

We heard your boss Ed has your neck on the guillotine after you bought a DVD of The Shining and Amazoned it to his snowflake kid. Get a free digital tool like a swipe file to develop creative ideas that will keep Ed off your back!

Content with Teeth is a creative content agency whose spokesperson is a crazy ass fisherman.

Creative Content Agency Does Remodeling

Looking for a creative content agency?

Well, say hello and check out our new digs!

CWT: 2 Other Content Marketing Agencies: 0

Look, Ma, Buzzfeed wrote about us!

Via CWT & BuzzFeed

We suggest you explore a content agency that remodeled its online home or website twice in one year during a horrible pandemic in a noble effort to make a BuzzFeed listicle that will and never should get published because people would rather read about Disneyfying hedgehogs.

Dude, It’s a Bunch of 1’s & O’s

Content with Teeth, a creative content agency, can help you reel in big fish

If you are a normal person and don’t bandy terms like content around obnoxiously, we feel our facelift is unique and that you should take a look.

Where else can you find a banner image featuring a fisherman who looks like the crazy guy in The Big Lebowski, a blog that features an image of projectile vomit or short and funny video case studies on the homepage that are most definitely case studies and certainly not misnomered as something else?

Our Marketing Strategy Is Grubhub

The marketing software providers Demand Metric found that content, inbound or however you call promulgating your message, costs 62% less than traditional marketing strategies and delivers three times as many leads!

We feel getting more with less is an effective brand strategy.

After a year where everyone ordered out for food, we advocate a Grubhub content marketing strategy where small businesses, strapped for time and resources, decide to let someone else cook and deliver their content.

What’s New

Content with Teeth has a shopping cart and e-commerce!

Via CWT & Craig Dacy

We got a shopping cart and e-commerce! 

You can go to our services page and buy a series of blog posts or a video concept without the serious time suck of securing marketing efforts by courting varying creative agencies.

You don’t have to endure a sales pitch on Zoom where a friendly but kinda annoying SDR asks about your “goals for the call” before asking you 200 questions to qualify you.

If your “goals for the call” are to know how much something costs and not waste time on chit chat, you’ll like the newly revamped CWT site. We publish prices and you can buy directly online.

Here’s the Deal

We wouldn’t be true marketers (aka used car salesmen with degrees) if we didn’t trot out a discount. In the next month, GET 25% OFF ANY CONTENT by entering the discount code cwt25 in the payment cart.

Our Digital Presence Is a Lefty HOF’er

CWT's company avatar is a pitcher from a sport no one watches anymore.

Via CWT & USA Today’s FTW

Warren Spahn was a Hall of Fame pitcher back in the day when people actually watched baseball. He has the most career wins by a southpaw. A baseball writer who loves Spahn says you only need three pitches.

Like a pitcher with a few but effective pitches and a restaurant that has a short menu but awesome food, we have limited our own content offerings. We ditched chatbots, social media packages and other stuff that weren’t generating strikeouts. We now focus only on content, how to distribute it and analyze what’s working with tools like an all-one-one sales and marketing platform.

Try Us Out

You are reading this, so you’re already here. Check out the new remodeling job and get in touch. If you want to buy something, use the coupon code cwt25 to get 25% off any content for the next month.

Blog Writing Service | Content With Teeth

What Are Content Writing Services?

Is your content projectile vomit? If so, you need capable content writing services.

Evergreen content for blog posts and infographics

Win with Evergeen Content

Do nothing and prosper and win with evergreen content that continually churns out new leads with zero ad spend and no effort.

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Close Jeff Goldblum with Creative LinkedIn Messaging

With creative LinkedIn messaging, you can reach sales averse prospects and enter a wormhole into the mind of Jeff Goldblum.

Content with Teeth - A Florida lead generation firm for New Business

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