A content creator creates content to promote and/or entertain

What Does Content Creator Mean?

So you’ve heard the term content creator. But you’re not sure what it means. Let’s define it: A content creator creates content.

But let’s expand on that.

A content creator provides information and/or entertains like taking a free stock photo (Angela Roma from Pexels.com) and adding a silly message.

There are different types of content creators or content producers: content writers (i.e. blogs, social media posts, landing pages, etc.), news writers (i.e. articles), photographers, video creators, and much more. You can create content on various platforms and marketing channels in a wide range of industries.

Business marketing teams assign a person (or people) who creates content to build awareness and drive organic traffic to their website.

Why You Should Care?

As a business owner or marketing professional, you NEED content to build a pipeline and guide leads down a sales funnel. Without it, you won’t be able to give your audience the information they crave. You might be sick and tired of this phrase, but content really is king. You can’t inform, entertain, and persuade your target audience without it.

Content creation and lead generation go hand in hand. So take advantage of a content creator to drive traffic to your website, help people solve problems and boost conversions.

What Is an Example of a Content Creator?

The writer-director Billy Wilder was a content creator before this term was even used

Billy Wilder, co-screenwriter and director of the film noir classic Sunset Boulevard, was a “content creator” before that term was even coined.

The beauty of content is that you can repurpose it in other media and multiple forms. For example, you can see Sunset Boulevard in multiple iterations.

Other content creators have turned the film into a musical (the original London production closed in 1997 after 1530 performances) and books (Sam Stagg’s expose of behind-the-scenes making of the film Close-up on Sunset Boulevard).

Before becoming a screenwriter and director in Hollywood, Wilder avoided getting into the family cake business, dabbled in journalism as a stringer and was even a taxi dancer in Berlin.

Most content creators AREN’T legendary Hollywood writers or directors. Most content creators DO take the circumstances and events from their lives and others and use this clay – like Wilder – to mold interesting work.

If old movies and their directors don’t push your buttons, here’s …

3 Reasons Why You Should Care About Sunset Boulevard

Billy Wilder is a content creator and his classic film Sunset Boulevard lives on

We get it. You hear about old movies that aren’t even in color and groan. Why should you care about prehistoric stuff like Sunset Boulevard?

1. For the introverts: join a work Zoom call without video. When others ask why your camera is off, turn it on and tell the group, “All right, Mr. DeMille, I’m ready for my close-up!” People on the call may have zero idea what you’re talking about but innately know you are talking over their heads. They may diss you behind your back but will ultimately leave you alone.

If you are getting married, use this still from Sunset Boulevard for your engagement publicity

2. For the ladies: Use the above still from Sunset Boulevard as a template for your marriage announcement pics. Have your fiance float face first in the pool and you can stand over the ledge instead of a gaggle of reporters. Friends will admire your macabre sense-of-humor and, bonus, you can reuse the photo if the marriage tanks and you get divorced.

3. For the gossips: why recycle the latest Bennifer angle again at a cocktail party? The story behind Sunset Boulevard is full of murder and intrigue. Working this juicy backstory into your dishing of goss will give you a sheen of respectability.

Ok … So How Do I Find a Good Content Creator?

Looking to invest in digital content creation? Have a plan.

1. Determine Your Medium
Are you starting a podcast? Trying to create videos? What about blog posts? White papers or eBooks?

Whatever type of online content you want to create, find a content creator based on that. Need blog content? What about social media posts? Look for a content writer with experience with social media marketing and RSS.

2. Set a Budget
Figure out how much you can afford to pay for content creation. How much you pay a professional for creating content will depend on a number of factors:

● The scope of the project: This includes how big the project is. So if you need blog posts, think about how many you need. How many words will the posts be? Will it be an ongoing project? Or just a one-time thing?
● The type of content: Some content takes longer to create than other types. If you need a whitepaper or eBook, expect to pay more than you would pay for a blog post. And if you are looking for blog posts, you’ll likely pay extra for writers who can create a subscription list with an RSS feed.
● Skill level and experience: You can choose to hire a beginner or expert. Typically, the higher the skill level, the more you’ll pay. And you often get what you pay for, so look for a high-quality content creator. Hiring a writer with a bachelor’s degree in English, who has been featured in The New York Times, and has an impressive list of sample articles, will likely give you better results than someone with no credentials.
● The subject of the content: Some topics require way more research than others. So expect creators to charge more for technical subjects like technology and engineering.

3. Find out Where Content Creators Hang Out
Go wherever content creators spend their time. The thing is, a lot of successful content creators understand that they need to create their own content on top of the client work they do. It’s one of the best marketing strategies they can use to show off their work.

So you can find some of these talented folks on certain platforms, depending on the type of content they create:

● Medium: Writers
● YouTube: Videographers
● Instagram: Photographers and Videographers
● Unsplash: Photographers
● Dribbble: Graphic Designers

You can also focus on communities where content creators hang out like Facebook or LinkedIn Groups. Content creators are constantly marketing their services in these groups. For instance, there are tons of freelance writing groups on Facebook. Writers are not only networking with other writers, but they’re also looking for clients in these groups.

Comb social media and YouTube videos for user generated content and media that you like. You can use the search functions on social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram to find creators. Message the creator or brand and ask if they are interested in your project. Reach out to your LinkedIn network for introductions and referrals to content creators. You can also create listings on job boards. Be detailed in your job description in order to attract the best talent.

How Do I Become a Content Creator?

Maybe you don’t want to pay people for content creation. Or maybe you’re interested in joining the content creation field yourself. Whatever the case, you need a digital marketing strategy in order to become a successful content creator. Here’s the rundown:

Choose your medium(s): When creating content, which medium do you gravitate towards the most? Do you want to write blogs? Write product reviews? Do photography? Create a YouTube channel? Choose the medium that best serves your purposes. You might even choose more than one.
Choose your niche: Choose a niche that you’re interested in. Then, research the niche as much as you can.
Learn your audience: You can’t create relevant, valuable content if you don’t know who your audience is. Be as detailed as possible so that you can create content that’s tailored to a specific audience.
Research relevant topics and content ideas: Look up great ideas for topics and relevant industry news your audience may be interested in. If your chosen medium is writing, look at specific contexts. Let’s say your audience is into wellness. A good topic would be: “Five Habits to Increase Your Overall Wellness”.
Make a content calendar: Using your curated list of topics, plan out when you’ll be delivering that content to your audience.
Use tools to optimize your content: If you’re writing, use SEO tools like Yoast and Chrome extensions to boost productivity.
Create engaging content: Start creating content! Create valuable, bite-sized (attention spans are short these days) content that informs, engages, and/or entertains.

So you’re wondering how much does a content creator make? Well, that depends on a lot of things. In fact, it’s a broad range: $29k to $79k a year. How much you make will depend on your experience, how many clients you bring in, the type of content you create, and more.

Go Create Some Killer Content, or Better Yet, Get an Expert

You’ve looked at your email inbox and social media feeds. You hear about 6,000 TV shows that you MUST watch and just don’t have the time. Bottom line: there’s a boatload of people creating great content in today’s world. It’s critical that you hire someone who can craft content that gets and KEEPS your audience engaged. Creativity is key. If you’re still stuck, consider Content with Teeth. We’re ready for our close-up, Mr. DeMille! We have over 20 years of experience as content creators. Get in touch for a free consultation

Blogging and writing doesn't have to be REDRUM horror

You Can Still Do Blogging Even If You Hate Writing; Here’s How!

The Venn diagram above shows the intersection of three characters from three classic movies centered on writers. Jack Torrance from The Shining can’t get past the blank page and an axe gets put through a door among other things. Barton Fink faces the blank page and ends up waking up to a bloody corpse in bed. Paul Sheldon from Misery meets his ultimate creepy superfan. 

These three movies about writers all intersect in REDRUM. The message is clear. Writing is horror … WRITING IS MURDER!

If you are a SMB (small and mid-sized business), you know writing, specifically blogging, is an effective way to shill your product or service online.

Perhaps you have no phony angst about writing, just don’t have time for it or even dislike it and want to focus your energy on some other aspect of your business. Whatever your deal is, this post is a guide on how to do it yourself quickly and cheaply without mayhem and horror.

What is Blogging and Why Do You Need It?

The consultants, coaches and other assorted court jesters of the professional class tell you to pivot to video, carpet bomb social media, get nice with an influencer or buy a ton of expensive podcasting equipment that will collect dust in your office.

Is blogging even relevant? What is it exactly?

Simply put, blogging is the act of putting text, photographs, and other media on a self-published website. The act of publishing a personal blog post began as a way for individuals to update their audience on their daily lives using their free blogging sites with a free domain. However, business potential is what has taken blogging to greater heights via the self-hosted WordPress blog.

 Blogging has evolved from simply putting up text with photographs, to using those media to promote brands or act as support for businesses and services. The growth has seen blogging become a part of content marketing.


Blogging can disseminate your message beyond ad blockers

 Your own personal brand or business will absolutely benefit from having its own blog to enhance its digital marketing strategy as a whole. It is always advisable to use online ads to get to customers. However, the number of people using ad blockers has risen steadily over the years. It is now estimated that 42% of internet users block ads.

 When you think about it, ads cost a pretty penny, and the campaign will come to an end. That is the compelling reason to start a blog. In the long term, content marketing will be cheaper in comparison to ads.  This is especially true for evergreen content that will see users flocking to your website in search of answers and solutions.

 How To Blog Without Killing Someone (Or Yourself)     

Well, you’ve made up your mind to start a blog. That means you have to get web hosting and a custom domain on a blogging platform known as a content management system. You can start with free blogging platforms that have free hosting to get a feel of what it takes to run a successful blog.

 The best way for you to start blogging on your own blogs is to install WordPress. Start with a free blog, and many WordPress hosting companies will automatically install WordPress and even hook you up with your own domain to use on your free WordPress site. 

 From here, you can use the free themes or a website builder to design a beautiful blog site, whether it is a news blog, a fashion blog, or a personal brand. You don’t need to be an expert in web design to start your blogging journey. With a good WordPress theme, just publish content consistently and engage positively with other bloggers.

 The blogging community of your chosen niche, whether food blogs, travel or sports, can become a valuable asset. They can refer you to great blog hosts and offer great insights into your editorial calendar.

 When you start blogging, you can make money online by selling ad space on your blog. By far the most popular ad service is Google AdSense. These ad services work best on news blogs such as The Wall Street Journal, since they tend to have more traffic, but you can still sell advertising space on a niche blog.

 Before you develop your first blog post, consider this; whenever you are checking something on your favorite search engine, you will simply put in your query, and the search engine will do its best to give you results that match it. Why does that happen?

Research Keywords So People Will Find Your Posts

Keywords are the terms or phrases that people use when doing a search. If you want your content to be easily found, you will need to use keywords that relate to your content. Before you sit down to write, you should do some keyword research.

Traditional keyword tools can be quite costly. Luckily, there are affordable alternatives. One such alternative is Neil Patel’s Ubersuggest. The best part is, Ubersuggest can show you the exact keywords you can use to rank quickly on search engine results pages.

 Visit Ubersuggest and type in the keyword that you want to research.  You will then get a report that lists a number of useful metrics. However, what’s important is the Keyword Ideas button on the left-hand navigation panel.


Doing keyword research for blogging doesn't have to be insanely expensive. Use tool like Ubersuggest


On the new page, just above the table, there is a Page 1 Ranking Potential button. Click that and enter your website’s domain. Ubersuggest will analyze your website and suggest to you the keywords you can use to easily get on page 1 of the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

Brainstorm by Talking Into a Transcription App


Brainstorm with an app like REV and turn it into an outline for a blog post

Once you have your keyword suggestions, it’s time to put your brain into search mode. This means coming up with creative content ideas to write about, and potential headings to use.

People get ideas in different ways. It can be while walking your dog, waiting in the drive through line or playing MINECRAFT. Brainstorming is a process that needs you to let go of your internal critic/editor and just fire whatever comes into your mind unfiltered.

You can use the REV app to dictate your babble. When it’s time to get down to business, you can then transcribe the formless ideas and get an outline or “angle” to turn your ravings into a blog post.

Structure the Brain Fart

Once you have the transcription, it’s time to attempt to give it a structure. For this, it would be best to get rid of all distractions. Feed the cat or dog and let the kids out to play. Schedule your spouse/lover for an appointment at the DMV, so they will be gone for hours.

Transcription in hand, structure your idea and then do a vomit draft.

Don’t be squeamish or offended by the vulgarity.

The purpose of the “vomit draft” is to release the words or copy for the post as quickly as possible WITH ZERO EDITING. The idea here is not to be perfect or try to reword your lines or ape being a prestige author like Hemingway or Virginia Woolf. The point of the vomit draft is to get to the end of the damn post as quickly as possible. If you can’t think of a word, do not THINK or look something up. Insert an “x” or “—” and come back later when rewriting your formless vomit draft into a masterpiece.

Writing Is Rewriting

Surfer SEO is a tool that is easy to use and affordable


Writing or any creative effort is much easier when you have something to work with. Vomit draft on hand, you can turn your base prose into flowing poetry or just a string of words that describe why your product or service helps solve a problem of your audience

You can use digital tools like Surfer SEO to help structure your vomit draft and make it rank quickly. Surfer SEO is widely hailed and loved for being an affordable option.

Their Content Editor tool makes things easier for you. Just start with picking the right keywords and creating a draft. From there, you can analyze your competitors to get a bearing on the kind of content you should come up with. Subsequently, Surfer SEO will provide you with metrics such as word count that you should aim for.  

The content creation tool will also give you suggestions for terms and phrases to use. These words are picked directly from Google’s APIs, which means your content will become fully optimized for the terms that users rely on for accurate results.  

Congrats! You Have a Finished Web Log With Minimal Drama

You did it! You finished the post without strangling your beloved cat or hubby. Writing isn’t so bad, is it?

 If you put this post into practice and still find writing and blogging equivalent to the act of moving in Hades 24/7 or dragging a cold corpse through hell, just get in touch. We have ample experience and can sojourn said corpse on your behalf.

Yes, Content Is a Buzzword King but there is no doubt content marketing delivers tangibly results over other marketing strategies

Is Content Marketing Worth It?

I bet you’ve come across cliques like ‘content is king’ in your recent online escapades. Or better yet, maybe you’ve heard ‘quality over quantity ‘ or ‘content strategy’ among many other content marketing buzzwords.


The truth is, while most people have an idea of what content marketing is, many find it hard to determine if content marketing is worth it. Before we get to whether content marketing adds any value to your business, let’s define it first.


What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is the creation, sharing, and promotion of different media to attract, engage and retain clients. Compared to other forms of marketing, content marketing is an indirect promotion of a brand and its products.


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Content marketing is the creation, sharing, and promotion of different media to attract, engage and retain clients. Compared to other forms of marketing, content marketing is an indirect promotion of a brand and its products. Share on X


The main objective of content marketing is to stimulate interest in potential customers to learn more about your company. The media, aka the content used in content marketing, can include blog posts, video content, podcasts, email newsletters, and social media posts. If content marketing is the road to paradise, content is the signposts that give directions to la-la land.


That said, distributing valuable content is only aimed at a clearly defined audience. This can only happen after thorough research and the creation of buyer personas. Furthermore, content marketing only provides a positive ROI or online sales after consistent and strategic campaigns aimed at the target audience.


Is content marketing the same as inbound marketing?

Inbound marketing and content marketing are basically the same but often thought of differently, courtesy of industry jargon. Both have the goal of creating value for business prospects, attracting them, and finally, retaining clients. Content marketing, or should I say inbound marketing, does all the above subtly while providing solutions to potential clients. Inbound/content marketing will both involve a blog, video, podcast, infographic, SEO, and definitely lots of words. While most say that the two are different, they mean the same thing and have one common goal: Help the customer see the value of your business and how it solves their problems. This begs the question, are content marketing efforts worth it, or just hype and time waster?


Content marketing is effective

Yes, this is a bold statement, but there’s a ton of data from Demand Metric to support it.


Less expensive, more qualified leads

As per Demand Metric’s infographic, content marketing costs 62% less than any other marketing strategy. This can be attributed to the long-term returns of content marketing. For instance, creating an evergreen post that solves a reader’s need and ranks well on search engines will see you getting leads months after the publish date. Just because content marketing is cheaper doesn’t mean the results are awful.  On average, content marketing gives you 3x as many leads compared to traditional marketing.


Go ye to where your customers are at

If that’s not enough for convincing, here’s another stat: 20% of internet users’ time is spent online reading content. Additionally, 57% of people read content marketing titles at least once a month. As the game of brand awareness shifts online, more than the traditional media, content marketing proves valuable. Not only do you get to show off your brand subtly, but you also get to help consumers with their questions, which increases brand recall. You wouldn’t easily forget someone that helped you in the past, would you?


Ads are not a customer favorite

While ads are effective to some extent, consumers don’t want nor tolerate them. By 2015, 200 million people were using ad blockers, and the number is expected to rise as privacy breaks the ceiling and rattles ad-dependent content marketers. Furthermore, 86% of people will skip adverts, and 70% will choose articles, any day, over paid advertising


Content Marketing is building relationships

On the flip side, 60% of people, after reading brand content, are inspired to seek out a product from the business. What’s more, 80% of people appreciate learning about a brand from custom content.


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On the flip side, 60% of people, after reading brand content, are inspired to seek out a product from the business. What's more, 80% of people appreciate learning about a brand from custom content. Share on X


These stats show that online content marketing, when done right, can hand you the consumer’s heart, loyalty, and brand advocacy. Interesting content takes the spot on why people choose to follow your business on social media, which leads us to the next point.


It’s not just about creating content and closing that chapter. It’s a game of consistency, and no matter how cliche it may sound, Quality over Quantity.


Content or inbound marketing isn't a numbers game, but quality game


As Orbit Media reports, consistency in content marketing leads to better returns. The report shows that bloggers who intentionally pump time and effort into blogging do make money. Orbit Media is not alone in making this claim. HubSpot complements this truth with its own. The CRM company notes that blogs with 16 posts a month can expect to triple their website traffic.


As Brian Dean puts it, the more time spent creating content, the better the results. Consumer’s bar for quality is only going higher. The ultimate truth still remains — it takes time to create content that is useful and share-worthy.


To achieve this type of useful and share-worthy content, you need a content strategy. The beauty of a content strategy is how it leads to organic lead generation subsequent to compounding traffic.


Let’s see content marketing at work with the content marketing examples below.


Case study: Realtor’s content generates leads

John Garuti III is a Southwest Florida realtor who invested heavily in advertising to develop leads. He found Google Ads leads were weak and decided to pivot a content-driven strategy focusing on video and written content.


He developed a “lead magnet” or buyer’s guide for Babcock Ranch, the community he specializes in. He has earned 270 leads from this content thus far, including 6 in the last month.


A piece of content or "lead magnet" generated new business for John Garuti III, a SWFL realtor


We started working with John recently to generate content. We created a content marketing strategy and focused on the keywords that he was well-positioned to rank for quickly.


For example, we did a post focusing on the keyphrase “homes for sale babcock ranch” a few weeks ago.


The result?


John is already in the first few pages of Google for this keyword and moving up quickly, as you can see.


Content marketing, specifically blogging, helped a SWFL realtor improve his search engine rankings


Creative Content leads to even greater results

Remember the stats I shared above? One of them stated that 80% of people appreciate learning about a brand through custom content.  For content to be custom and attractive to prospects, it needs to be creative content.


Take our client, Cloud Compliance Solutions, for instance. We got them started on HubSpot and kicked off several email campaigns that framed their services as a NASCAR pit crew.



IT professionals responded to the creative framing positively, and we achieved an email CTR of 5.2% (the average CTR of email campaigns is 2.6%).



Again, we have to admit that a content marketing campaign can be a whirlwind when you have other business operations to think about. However, the value content marketing brings to the table is undeniable. If you want to get the positive ROI content marketing is sure to give, schedule a free consultation with our content marketing team. We will develop a content marketing strategy, custom-tailored to your business needs.

Content creation is a creative team that is "different," but not ear-severing different!!

What Is Content Creation? 

Content creation is the assembly line of written and/or visual media to disseminate a message about a brand to generate interest among a target audience. 

Content creation is usually produced by a company’s in-house marketing team or outsourced to an agency that works on a retainer or per-project basis. Your content should appeal to your buyer persona, making information accessible to your audience through blog posts, e-books, videos or social media posts.  

Content Creation vs. Content Curation

Content curation is the act of searching for, gathering, and presenting digital content for a specific subject matter. Unlike content creation, content curation does not include original content but rather assembles different content from a variety of sources. 

Let’s look at one of the fastest growing companies in the last decade, Netflix. Initially, they were content curators boasting a wide lineup of TV shows and movies from other studios.

In 2013, Netflix became content creators producing their own TV series House of Cards. Netflix now owns household staples such as Stranger Things, Big Mouth, and Black Mirror, proving that content creation is valuable as this investor details:

Doing a comparable comps valuation to other publicly traded movie and entertainment companies reveal that Netflix has a P/S multiple that is valued more than 3 times more than the valuation of traditional media companies

It may be better to own than rent, but content doesn’t create itself. Content creation teams must be creative AND analytical, understanding the importance of impactful raw data such as keyword research and SEO. 

Myth Of The Crazy Artist


You want a content creation team that is a little crazy just as long as the Account Rep doesn’t remove an ear in front of the client.

Original content requires the cliqued corporate maxim of thinking “outside the box.” When you hire a content creator, you’re probably thinking “how do I generate awareness for my product or service” rather than “how do I get this guy to paint the sunflowers instead of downing the absinthe?”

Whatever the goal, people creating things have hatched a “crazy artist” myth that stretches back infamously to Van Gogh infamously, if not earlier. When hiring a content creation team, a little crazy is good but they need to be blessed with a numbers-based approach 

In other words, to create unique online content that people can actually find, you need to be creative AND analytical.

For one of our clients, LeBlond Ltd, a Cincinnati-based manufacturing firm, CWT has blogged for them for nearly ten years and the numbers show the content consistently performs.

Numbers Never Lie


For a 30-day period (May 31 – June 29, 2021), the blog content created by CWT has ranked in 6 of the top 10 most visited pages on our client’s site.


The content creation of CWT produces short-term results.


The blog content has a high average duration (2.07 minutes). Average session duration illustrates how long users stay on your site. It’s a useful metric for indicating engagement and the true value of your site’s content as time is a human’s most valuable resource (time is money, amiright?)

Although 2-3 minutes seems like a blur in the day, this is a solid session duration for most sites. Two minutes is enough time for users to read content and interact with your website. 

The blog posts also average a lower bounce rate (45.34%) than the other pages in the Top 10 traffic list. What exactly does this mean?


“One and Done” Isn’t Just Five-Star Basketball Recruits


Have you ever gone to a movie that was so awful you walked out mid-movie? A “bounce” (often called a single-page session) is essentially the same. It’s when a “one-and-done” user lands on a site and exits without interacting or triggering another request. Bounce rate is a metric used to track single-page sessions. Research shows any bounce rate under 50% is considered to be really solid. 

Finally, blog content creates leads. One example is this piece that is eight years old and is evergreen content with over 30 comments, mostly from machinists wanting parts. Those are leads solely from comments left on the post!


Are You Linsanity or Can You Score Over 40 Consistently?


The content that CWT creates produces longer-term results


Some might say a 30-day period is a small sample size, however, in Quarters 1 and 2 of 2021, 4 of the top 10 pages with the most traffic for LeBlond are blog posts that CWT produced. This is a 6-month period in which nearly half the top 10 pages are from blog content. 

The numbers don’t lie. Our blogs produce more traffic and yield high results on a consistent basis. 

The blog posts have a higher average duration (2.19 minutes) with a lower average bounce rate (60.24%) than the other high-traffic pages. In other words, prospects are viewing these pages longer and checking out other content on the site than the other non-blog pages.

Finding The Right Production Crew


Via Newsweek


We mentioned Netflix earlier. In hiring content creators, you want a team that can take the process from inception to completion or in film/tv talk, from  pre-production to post-production.

Pre-Production in Film/TV: writing the script and budgeting

Production: filming

Post-Production: editing and scoring

We can use the same process used to produce stuff you consume on a screen and apply it to your content creation process.


Pre-Production Analysis & Content Development



Content Creation has an initial strategy stage where keyword research is conducted.



At Content With Teeth, we start with pre-production. This is where we do some in-depth brainstorming to help create a content strategy. Some ideas will be stronger when presented as visual content (videos, infographics, etc.) while other pieces may be suited for text. Either way, we’ll work collaboratively to deliver you amazing content

We don’t stop there. After devising your content, we help distribute it. If you’re B2B, we might recommend a LinkedIn marketing campaign to disseminate your content on the world’s largest business database. We might use other social media platforms to promote the content like Instagram or Twitter.


Record the Score to Analytics in Post


In evaluating effective content creation, CWT uses sales and marketing platforms like HubSpot.

Via CWT, Premium Beat & HubSpot


Now, this is where the analytics come into play. Most content creators will throw some copy your way and call it a night. We go past production to post-production and help measure important analytics and metrics to see what’s working.

We’re an official HubSpot partner and have the means to ensure your content reaches the right audiences, achieves your business goals, and generates organic traffic. We use analytical tools like HubSpot Analytics, Google Analytics, and MonsterInsights to do this. 

With our model, we not only PRODUCE the content but DISTRIBUTE it (LinkedIn marketing, HubSpot email campaigns, social media, etc) and MEASURE it in “post-production” to inform you what is working and what is not.

Lust For Life AND Numbers

One who excels at content creation melds creativity with analytical thinking.

Via Anna Kester from Pexels, PNGEgg & CWT

A good content creation team should have a “lust for life” and a “lust for numbers.” A good mix of Left + Right brain stuff. Mixing the creativity of an “outside-the-box” creator like Van Gogh with the analytical skills of a number-crunching savant is the key to optimizing your content creation process and producing high-quality content. Reach out to us if you need a content creator excelling in both brain swim lanes. 

Blog Writing Service | Content With Teeth

What Are Content Writing Services?

Is your content projectile vomit? If so, you need capable content writing services.
